What’s Your Focus and Perspective?—Day 13 Notes from El Camino

So today, we finally had to ride in the rain.

It pretty much has rained every day since we arrived in Spain almost 2 weeks ago, but God’s Providence saw to it that although we saw many rain storms, we didn’t have to contend with any of them while riding.

Today was different.

It was raining this morning when we awoke, and there was no end in sight, so we just put on the rain gear and got to it.

Paul riding in the rain towards Arzua

In addition to the rain, there was also some massive road construction along the way that caused our route to be diverted a couple of times, so we ended up going several miles farther than we thought we would need to ride to get to our destination.

Also, because of the route diversions, our route became MUCH hillier with several LONG climbs.

Looking back DOWN one of the climbs

Finally, because of a bathroom issue, our original hotel had to make arrangements for us to stay at another hotel in town, so the directions and normal guidance we had been using to find places was a bit more limited, and that meant we were looking for our lodgings for a bit longer than had been the norm.

Now, reading about our different challenges here, you might think that we had a pretty crappy day. But nothing could be further from the truth.

And it all comes down to focus and perspective.

Here’s a quote by one of my favorite authors that gives a great description about what I mean:

“What are you going to focus on? What’s unfair, or all the wonderful things that happen? Both are true, both are real. Both need to be accepted. The terrible or the wonderful? The goodness or the cruelty? Your life be decided by that choice.”

—Louise Penney, All the Devils Are Here

And what Louise Penney writes is spot on for how you can go about encountering each day of your life.

For me, I strive to on a different set of eyeglasses that are rooted in God’s perspective of what is actually happening by immersing myself every day in His Word.

The Psalms often help me do this, like from today’s psalm:

Your ways, O Lord, make known to me;
teach me your paths,
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my savior.

—Psalm 25

How true and necessary this is as I am walking the Camino!

And here is another:

“Keep me safe, O God; in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, you are my Lord, you are my only good.”

—Psalm 16:1-2

This was REALLY on my mind with the slick roads and the traffic and trying to find our way to our new hotel!

And when it was all said and done, here was what I remember and noticed today:

The wonderful view atop one of the climbs
Gorgeous flowers on the side of a retaining wall
The shade and peace of one of Arzua’s parks
The delight of having churizos in hot chocolate

In the end, it is always about focus and perspective.

So what is your focus and perspective?

Are you focused on the negative, the disappointing, the bad or the ugly?

Or are you allowing yourself to be filled with hope, encouragement, the good, the true and the beautiful?

What kind of life will you choose?

I know that for me and my household, we choose the Lord.

And that has made all the difference.

Until tomorrow! Buen Camino!

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